I'mprovisation: Training in Theater Improvisation Skills and Its Effects on Clinicians’ Attitude
This is the Abstract of the PhD dissertation about the effects of training clinicians in theater improvisation skills.
From the abstract: " ... An experiential course called Improvisation Skills for Therapists was developed based on Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) principles (Kolb, 1984). The research examined the effects of such training on participants’ perceptions and interventions in their subsequent clinical work. There is little research on the use of theater improvisation skills in therapy, especially in regards to the I’mprovisation experience; the subjective experience of clinicians as they improvise in the clinical encounter. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to the understanding of the effects of improvisation in clinical work and to offer a more integrative conceptualization of the I’mprovisation experience as a unique change mechanism in the clinical relationship..."